13 September 2009

Oakham - A Glass Act

Check out the suave new glassware that Oakham Ales have provided to members of their Oakademy of Excellence. The new tall, curvaceous branded bulbs are more reminiscent of continental premium lager pots and surely won't do any harm in their ongoing attempts to shake off outdated negative ale imagery and nab market share away from the multinationals.

The Oakademy is a recently-established members club for permanent stockists of Oakham beers, allowing exclusive access to their limited edition monthly guests, September's being the 5.2% ABV American-inspired Red Neck. Draught König Pilsener, imported from Germany, is also available only to member pubs.

A glossy brochure of participating pubs will be made available from October and a full list of some 60 outlets across the Midlands can be found on the website, including a "tickers' page" detailing where you can track down each of the monthly beers.


  1. I am always happy to see any attempts to improve glassware in this country. Ban the nonic!

  2. In my mental list of adventurous breweries, I keep forgetting Oakham. I've enjoyed all of their beers I've tried. The glass looks OK, and a damn sight better than those tall, straight lager glasses Adnams are going for at the moment.

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